Nina Sloots 2003

ArtEZ University of the Arts
Grapic Design (BA) 2020-2024

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Nina Sloots


Interested in the impact of technology on our current and future world. Researching through different mediums and techniques.

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Graphic Design (Bachelor)
Arnhem, Artez

I’m (Not) A Robot

In this installation, the online CAPTCHA/reCAPTHA process is being physicalized in the real world. When standing in the middle of this platform, your’e being scanned on your humanness.  

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 Calming The Restless Mind

My grandmother quilts. Within her restless mind and body, it's exactly the precise process of quilting that calms her. To pass the time and relax, but mostly to be herself. With not much time left, it’s special she’s still quilting. 

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 That What We Desire, We Shall Never Have

The story ‘Daughters Of The Moon’ covers the themes of consumerism, the impact humanity has on nature and social classes. Even though it is already written in 1968, it’s still (and maybe even more) relevant in today’s world.

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 Remembering And Forgetting in 3D

Can feelings of the past, in the form of analog photography, be brought back again through the contemporary medium of 3D printing, in a way it visually relates to the process of remembering and forgetting? In this project, I wanted to visual- and physicalize the memories of my grandmother. 

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 Dream Habitats

Every time movement gets detected, the cage turns into the bird’s original habitat. Not to assure the bird will have a nice time, but to question our own position as humans. This installation is about our anthropocentric attitude. Do we really want to get rid of this human centered perspective on the world? Or do we just want to feel better about ourselves?

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 Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman (Pirate Copy)

A redesign on the collection of short stories ‘Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Haruki Marukami. This project Is in collaboration with Noam Semo and Yunhui Shin. We made various new editorial decisions like splitting up the book in smaller books, creating a new narrative with flies that build up towards the last story, and creating ‘tree’ icons for every booklet. 

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 Data Organs & Data Bumps

A connection can be found between the innovations in the healthcare sector as well as in the innovation of technology, more specifically data-storage. With new technologies, it is now possible to store data on DNA. What will this hold for the future of data storage, and even our own bodies?

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 Love Your Updates (Or Else)

Ever since I started using my laptop on a daily basis, I have been clicking away notifications on software updates. In this project, I tried to play with the division between the digital- and the real world in a playful installation

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 A New (Natural) Currency

While everything in our world changes, nature does her attempt to stay the same. It tries to find her way through the humanized society in which we barely look after her. With artificial intelligence getting smarter and smarter, there will be a point it can, and most defenitely will, overtake real nature. How will we interact with this last real nature?

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 Time Bomb, Rancid (Lyrics Video)

Collage animation video clip for the song ‘Timebomb’ by Rancid. In this project, I merged my love for collaging together with punk music.

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 City Where The Streets Have No Name

Everything is evolving, with the arrival of artificial intelligence more and more is possible. What happens if we can no longer tell the difference between real- and generated images anymore?

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 You Might Have Lyme!

Google knows everything. What if, in the future, diagnoses get predicted based on which combinations of symptoms you search for? Is Google already the first to know what diseases you might have? 

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 Greetings, The Digital World

The digital world can be seen as a reflection of our real world. It’s a place where we pet digital animals, do our online banking and read the news. Things from the real world almost always end up online. What if we turn this around, and put some digital back in the real world?

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Wikipedia Redesign

This publication is a redesign of the Wikipedia page on algorithms. It started with searching for a lay-out that would fit within the oblong format and kept it simple and clear. My idea of splitting the book came from the annoyance of the notes. To me, they were not important but I had to make it fit in a certain way. I decided to make them ‘fall off the page’ by using a shorter wire-o. 

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On 16/08/2022, I checked my whatsapp forty-seven times. Forty-seven times I opened one app.. What would this obsessive ‘checking’ look like in real life?

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 “We Hebben Elkaar Gemist”

While collecting notes on the street, there was one that caught my attention. “WE HEBBEN ELKAAR GEMIST” is ordinairy and special at the same time. Almost everybody knows this small yellow paper that DHL leaves when they tried to deliver a package to you without succes. In a period of lockdown this note gave me a happy feeling. 

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 Our Perfect Animal

People feel guilty about how they treat nature and animals. After concluding that living without animal products is impossible, we had to come up with another idea; an animal optimized for human usage. This animal fulfills all our desires, and we don’t have to feel guilty about killing other animals anymore, because we will just use one! Isn’t that amazing!

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 Workshop Publication (Rozet, Arnhem)

After participating in a (column) writing course of Rozet, the library in Arnhem, I decided to bundle texts of all the workshop students together. I made this small publication for the library, the students and the teacher of the workshop.

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 Road Rage (AI film)

In this project, I was interested by the future of film and the role AI would have in this. Will we watch movies that are completely generated? How realistic can a film made by the computer get? After creating a database consisting out of more than 10.000 images, based on car chasing movies, I loaded it into RunWayML, a machine learning software.  

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 Illustration Series

In these illustrations, parts of posters, I tried to illustrate different situations that can be recognized when studying at ArtEZ. I liked working on it because it was fun to work with a medium that is so different from what I normally do.

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 Modular Ceremic Chairs

In this project, Sara van Veen and me, worked together on a set of modular chairs, made of ceremics. We focused on the proces of making, from sketching to claying, glazing and working in the photo studio for the first time.

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 White Glove Tracking

‘White Glove Tracking’ is about the position of the glove of Michael Jackson in the nationally televised landmark performance of Billie Jean. When you flip this book, you will see the movement of the glove, as well as the numbers that belong to that exact position.

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The Future Of Our Internet 

This project is about the discussion of free versus safe internet. How far can authorities but also social media platforms go in setting up privacy laws/rules. What are the boundaries of both free, uncensored internet and safe but monitored digital environments? This project raises questions about digital privacy, anonymity, censorship, freedom of speech and so much more.  

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 Essay On Typography

People always underestimate the time and work we creatives put in our projects, as if it works with just one push on the button. I wanted to prove the opposite and added every try-out I did in the book. It is a reflection of my thoughts, my time, my tools and my opinions.

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 The Surveillance State Saves Us 

This object is made out of three surveillance cameras. It is part of a research project I did for my high school thesis about the social credit system and its future. If I look back now, I feel like this project really started my interest in technology, society, and the future. 

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 Googlenary Dictionary

This Googlenary is custom made for you, just like almost everything else on the internet. Maybe that’s scary to you, but it can be very helpful. Everything we monitor, follow, and control is in your advantage. We are only here to serve you. We hope our Googlenary will help you to remember the words you’ve  searched for recently.

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Eindhoven, The Netherlands