Road Rage (AI Film)

AI generated movie scene, based on six different car movies.

In this project, I was interested in the future of film and the role AI would have in it. Will we watch movies that are completely generated? How realistic can a film made by the computer get?

After creating a database consisting of more than 10,000 images based on car chasing movies, I loaded it into RunWayML, a machine learning software. The program trains itself to create images that look like the images from the dataset. The more you train the program, the more the images will look alike. After the training was done, I received a video of the generated visuals. Additionally, I generated 150 more images to create the stop-motion effect you can see in the film.

For the text and audio, I used two different websites. These were called Inferkit (text) and Melobytes (sound). Inferkit is a website that is trained on a lot of different texts. For my text, I used parts of scripts from six different car chasing movies. The sounds are generated a bit differently. This website uses AI to go from images to sound. I used the generated images as input to get sound. The site can detect different objects, scenes, and even written texts, based on this sounds get generated.